วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Customize track spikes

 There are track spikes designed specifically for sprinting, middle distance, distance, jumping, steeplechase and field events. Wearing the proper track shoe can help your performance, and prevent injury, too.  Understanding what type of traction you require, and what distance you are running, will help determine the right spike for you.

Finding the correct spikes for your track event is crucial to performing your best. It is possible that a runner could use different shoes every time he runs.A lot has changed now that coaches and athletes know more about how certain spikes work better on certain tracks and how different shoes help an athlete run better.At one time, most runners wore whatever spikes they owned (or their coach provided) to a track meet and didn't think twice about it.